
zondag 25 maart 2012

Vultures / Gieren

Old world vultures

These vultures hunt by their keen eyes. Characterised by their bald head and neck, these vultures are commonly seen as "ugly" but are actually very diverse and spectacular.

Cinereous vulture, also known as the black- or monk vulture.(Monniksgier)
Aegypius Monachus

One of the Better known vultures, It lives in europe and Asia although the European species are endangered

Lammergeier or Bearded vulture (Lammergier)
Neophron percnopterus

Far from your typical run of the mill vulture, these have no bald head. Even though he eats carrion like others, his diet exists 90% out of bone marrow. Lammergeiers can Swallow whole bones that can even match the size of a lamb's femur. They have mastered a way to break bones to pick it up and drop it midflight on rocks, the precision required can take up to 7 years to master by the birds.

Juvenile lammergeiers are black.

Griffon vulture (Vale gier)
Gyps fulvus

Appearing as a very typical old world vulture these majestic beasts can grow very large and heavy( measured up to 15kg in extreme cases!)

Palm-nut Vulture (Gierarend)
Gypohierax angolensis

This white bird is the smallest old world vulture, having a wingspan of 150cm (59in) and a height of 60cm (24in) . Perhaps of all the birds of prey he has the most remarkable diet, mainly feeding on fruit from the oil-palm. It also feeds on smaller living prey like crabs, moluscs and fish. The bird is not shy and therefore can be sometimes found near houses feeding on domestic poultry.

White-Rumped vulture (Bengaalse gier)
Gyps bengalensis

Closely related to the previous griffon vulture it shares the same typical looks that a lot of the Gyps species have, notably the slender bald neck and head but much smaller than his cousin. Although it is the smallest of the Gyps vultures it's still a pretty large bird still able to get measured up to 93cm(37in).

Hooded Vulture (Kapgier)
Necrosyrtes monachus

One of the more bizarre looking vultures, these have no fear at all of humans and can be found regularly breeding near human habitats getting the nickname "garbage collectors". When disturbed in their nests they cry something resembling "MAMA MAMA". They are abundant and fly in flocks able to be spotted in the day almost all the time.

Egyptian vulture (Aasgier)
Neophron percnopterus
One of the smallest vultures. Known to sometimes use rocks as tools to break eggs, other than that their diet exists of small animals and a lot of mammal, (especially human!) faeces which is rumoured to give them the pigment that causes their brightly orange head.

Red-headed vulture (Indische oorgier)
Sarcogyps calvus

This medium sized vulture have a prominent red head and a neck that sports 2 flat portruding surfaces that help cool off.

Lappet-faced Vulture (Oorgier)
Torgos tracheliotus

An african vulture easily recognised by his firm beak and pink/red head and his firm size. He has an extremely keen sight by which he can spot food from incredible heights

White-headed vulture (witkopgier)
Trigonoceps occipitalis

Characterized by his white cap, pink head and blue/pink beak this medium sized bird spends his days by circling in the air looking for food. It roosts in tall trees near water at night.

donderdag 2 februari 2012

Wild Canids that you probably never heard about

Bush dog,

This short and sturdy canid lives in south and central america, it can grow up to 70cm in length and 30cm in height. They are one of the most social canids in south america, living in groups of 3 - 10.
They prey on small rodents, birds and lizards. It is thought that these animals are monogamous, as the male tends to the female when giving birth.

The Maned wolf,

The largest south american Canid, resembling a fox with reddish fur. Their long legs allow them to walk above the tall grass in the pampas where they can observe prey. All sorts of Rodents, birds and lizards fall prey to this tall wolf. Maybe the strangest fact about this species is the way he digs holes, unlike other canids he prefers to use his teeth over his claws.

The Dhole,

An Asian species that has some special traits, for instance unlike other species dholes let the pups eat first at a kill (similiar to wild african dogs). These very social species live in large packs and are not fearful of taking large preys like boars and even tigers!

The Bat-eared Fox,

This African Species with large ears can be found hunting on insects near zebras and antelopes. How do antelopes and zebras attract insects? easy they land on the excrement. Also hunts in termite hills and small lizards, birds and rodents, Occasionally it will eat fruit. Fossil records state that these animals have lived here for over 800 000 years!

The Raccoon dog

While looking like a Raccoon they share no close relations with these animals. It has a habit for regularly climbing trees which is not a common Canid thing. They eat anything, rodents, insects, molluscs, carrion, oats, fruit, .. you name it, it all depends on the seasons. They tend to store their food high up in trees.

donderdag 2 juni 2011


that's where it'll all be about this time!

I'm quite surprised at what animals I found that live on blood, not all of them are the typical nasty looking invertebrates! I stumbled across an animal planet show about blood suckers so I'll just share 4 of em who are worth showing

Vampire Finch

Let's start with a bird! the Vampire finch (vampiervink) also known as the sharp-billed ground finch seem to live on boobie-blood, and yes we're talking about bird blood here;)

This fish also known as the toothpickfish (tandenstokervis) is a parasite that enters the gills of fish and drinks from the blood. It navigates by following a scent of urea which sadly can also be found in human urine, that's what makes peeing in the water not a very smart idea at all

Madrilenial Butterfly

A butterfly that sucks the dead blood from cattle in spain, embedding wasn't allowed so i'll just post the link

ofcourse this guy has to be here, same problem als above it's straight from the show

woensdag 11 mei 2011

answer tiemz

Vraag1: De potvis is het grootste dier met tanden, deze walvissen jagen op inktvissen in de diepzee en kunnen ongeveer 15 meter lang worden!

Vraag2: Dit is de neus van de (tibethaanse) spleetneusvleermuis

Vraag 3: is de nautilus, enigste overlevende van deze zeer primitieve soort

Vraag 4: het nijlpaard, geen enkel ander dier in afrika zorgt voor zoveel menselijke slachtoffers dan dit dier

Vraag5:De mannelijke gavialen hebben dit op hun snuit, deze bol wordt gebruikt als communicatiemiddel om vrouwtjes te lokken en geluiden te produceren

Vraag6:Chloroforen zijn huidcellen die instaan voor kleurverandering, veel inktvisachtigen bezitten deze, net zoals reptielen zoals kameleons.

Vraag 7: De kalkoengier! net zoals alle gieren van de nieuwe wereld hebben deze een enorm ontwikkeld reukvermogen

Vraag8: Dit schattige diertje is niks minder dan de muskusrat! ik geef toe deze was gekozen voor zijn verwarrend uiterlijk.

Vraag 9 :Het grootste dier op het land in Europa is de Wisent, deze grote runderen zijn net iets groter dan de Eland, de tweede grootste bewonder in Europa

Vraag 10: Dit wordt gehaald door de blauwkeel kolibrie, al zijn alle kolibries in staat om zulke hoge cijfers te halen

dinsdag 10 mei 2011


Hier zijn 10 beesten vragen die je mag beantwoorden in de comment section :)
probeer ze eens te beantwoorden, binnenkort zullen de antwoorden geplaatst worden

ja ik weet da ge makkelijk kunt cheaten door et gewoon online op te zoeken, ma kzal er vanuitgaan da ge da nie doet en het gewoon weet of gokt. wie weet wordt je wel eens aangenaam verrast door het antwoord of je eigen kennis!

Vraag 1: Wat is het grootste dier met tanden(dat nog leeft)
Vraag2: Wat is dit?(te klein? hou ctrl in en scroll vooruit)

Vraag3: welke inktvissoort is de enige met een uitwendige schelp?
Vraag4: wat is het gevaarlijkste dier van Afrika?
Vraag5:Welk dier gebruikt een "ghara" als o.a communicatiemiddel
Vraag6: Wat zijn chloroforen?
Vraag7:welk dier kan zijn eten ruiken van +/- 320 kilometer afstand?
Vraag8:Welk dier is dit?

Vraag9: wat is het grootste land dier in europa?
vraag10: bij welk dier kan de hartslag tot 1260 slagen per minuut gaan?