
donderdag 2 juni 2011


that's where it'll all be about this time!

I'm quite surprised at what animals I found that live on blood, not all of them are the typical nasty looking invertebrates! I stumbled across an animal planet show about blood suckers so I'll just share 4 of em who are worth showing

Vampire Finch

Let's start with a bird! the Vampire finch (vampiervink) also known as the sharp-billed ground finch seem to live on boobie-blood, and yes we're talking about bird blood here;)

This fish also known as the toothpickfish (tandenstokervis) is a parasite that enters the gills of fish and drinks from the blood. It navigates by following a scent of urea which sadly can also be found in human urine, that's what makes peeing in the water not a very smart idea at all

Madrilenial Butterfly

A butterfly that sucks the dead blood from cattle in spain, embedding wasn't allowed so i'll just post the link

ofcourse this guy has to be here, same problem als above it's straight from the show

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